Frameworks and Accreditations

Frameworks, Awards & Accreditations

Merco is an approved National Framework supplier on all of the main UK procurement frameworks for clinical staffing. We work with all of our clients to ensure terms and conditions are in place and ensure transparency in our fee structures.

Merco is an NHS Workforce Alliance supplier, and we take our place on the Framework very seriously.

The NHS Workforce Alliance is the portfolio of health workforce services delivered in partnership by Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP) for the benefit of customers and suppliers.

The NHS Workforce Alliance brings together the expertise of NHS PiP and CCS as the biggest public procurement partnership in the UK. As leaders in the field, we collectively raise the bar to address the staffing challenges and deliver a sustainable

Crown Commercial Service

The Crown Commercial Service is an executive agency of the Cabinet Office and the biggest public procurement organisation in the UK, helping NHS providers buy what they need, when they need, saving time and money in the interests of taxpayers. 

NHS Workforce Alliance

NHS Workforce Alliance frameworks are a collaboration between the Crown Commercial Service and NHS Procurement in Partnership. The Clinical and Healthcare Staffing Framework RM6161 covers the supply of Nursing, Midwifery, Medical, Dentistry, Allied Health Professionals and Health Science Services.

NHS Procurement Partnership

NHS Procurement in Partnership is a collaboration between four NHS procurement organisations; NHS Commercial Solutions, the East of England NHS Collaborative, the NHS London Procurement Partnership and the NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative. It now works under the banner of the NHS Workforce Alliance. 

Health Trust Europe

Merco are proudly accredited with HealthTrust Europe for the provision of Medical Locums and General Practitioner Workers, Nursing and Care Service Workers, Allied Health Professional and Health Science Service Workers,.

HTE manage the Total Workforce Solutions II framework through which Merco have continued to supply clinicians at the right time for the right cost to our HTE clients with assurance around compliance process and standards at all times. 

Cyber Essentials

Merco complies and exceeds the requirements of the Cyber Essentials scheme and is committed to safe and responsible data, IT and telephony use in all of our business operations.  

For more information about any of our Accreditations, member bodies or Frameworks, please contact the team:

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